Years at WONC: 2002-2006
Originally from California, Matthew came across the country to attend NCC to be a part of WONC. In his time at the station, he spent a lot of time on the air, both hosting various time slots and covering sports. He also served as the Production Director and Talent Feedback Director his senior year, and earned Illinois Broadcasters Association Silver Dome awards for Best On-air Station Self-Promo in 2005 and 2006.
After spending some time away from radio after graduation, Matthew got back on the air in 2010 at WERV in Aurora as the morning show producer. He was also heard on the weekends, worked in the Promotions Department, and assisted the Production Department.
In 2013, Matthew was hired by K-LOVE radio in Chicago as the Promotions Manager, where he remained until 2018. After a change in his career path, Matthew made a switch to publishing marketing and advertising in 2020. Currently, he’s a Marketing and Web Specialist for financial technology company and works with his church handling audio/visual and graphic design projects.